Welcome to the Student Counseling and PERC Case Management Center. We are so proud of your decision to take the first step in finding the emotional support that you need. The Counseling Center will make every effort to schedule an appointment for you to meet with a counselor as quickly as possible. Despite our best efforts, we sometimes cannot accommodate you with an appointment as soon as you would like. Most students who are not in URGENT NEED will typically be contacted for scheduling within a week of initial appointment inquiry. If we are unable to assist you in the time that you require, we will refer you to community resources. It is your responsibility to follow up with these resources and schedule your appointments. If the level of care required is outside of the scope of the counseling center we reserve the right to refer you to a community resource or differing department that can best meet your needs.
· You have been thinking of hurting yourself in any way
· You have been thinking of taking your own life
· You have been thinking of hurting someone else in any way
· You see or hear things that other people do not see or hear
· You have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event
- The Student Counseling Center provides individual and group counseling and case management services at no charge to currently enrolled and registered students. If you are not currently enrolled and registered, we will provide you with a list of alternate community resources.
- The delivery and services from the Student Counseling Center shall be contingent upon whether the Student Counseling Center staff and you can agree that our services are appropriate given your needs and presenting conditions. If it is decided that this is not the appropriate place for you to be seen, referrals to more appropriate resources will be provided.
- Students who are in URGENT NEED will meet with a counselor as soon as possible to determine the best course of action regarding ongoing services. Please speak with your assigned counselor if you have any questions.
- New clients (students) are scheduled for the first available counselor that meets your scheduling needs.
- Psychiatric services are NOT provided through the Student Counseling Center.
Students of Concern Confidentiality Exception
If circumstances warranting such discussion for the purpose of a threat assessment or safety concerns confidentiality may be extended to the Dean of Students, Security, and/or the Panther Care Team. Please refer to the Student Handbook for further description of the Panther Care Team. You will be provided more information on the limits of confidentiality at your first appointment.
Student Responsibilities
- It is your responsibility to be on time.
- If you are unable to keep your appointment, or will be late, please call our counseling center at 561-868- 3980 to reschedule. We expect you to cancel your appointment with at least 24 hours’ notice.
- If two consecutive appointments are scheduled and not kept, we cannot guarantee continued treatment with your assigned counselor.
- You will be required to complete intake forms and a discharge survey as part of your treatment agreement.
- You are responsible for updating us with any changes in contact, or other, information.
- You are responsible for completing updated intake paperwork each semester.
- The Palm Beach State College Student Counseling Center is overseen by a Licensed Clinical Social Worker.
- The Student Counseling Center is a training facility for graduate students completing their mental health counseling or social work degrees. Cases are discussed in supervision and clinical staff meetings to provide you with the quality services that you deserve.
- If you have any concerns regarding your treatment, you may contact your counselor’s supervisor. Please know that this does not automatically mean that you will be assigned to a differing counselor.